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domingo, 23 de maio de 2021

Arabic Conversation Guide


The continuing demand for the learning and use of a second language reflects the intrinsically interconnected nature of the modern world; which fosters equality, reciprocity and above all, cultural exchanges using communication that both the relevant parties understand. In addition, the current demands of the L2 field dictate that any materials that are produced for it be creative and that they appeal to the actual needs of their target audiences. This edition of Arabic Conversation Guidedoes just that. By dedicating this edition to English speakers, Prof. Ali Ismail Alqaffaassattempts to bridge the gap between two very important world cultures and bring them together. Indeed, this is a world that is becoming increasingly globalized. In light of the many strong forces that would rather use globalization to dominate others, it is always refreshing when one sees very important, though marginalized, linguistic and cultural manifestations of globalization that only seek to promote understanding come to the surface.

Arabic Conversation Guide’s creative features include its inclusion of classic and slang vocabularies of the language, both of which are used in the streets of the Arab world, thus making the book ideal for the L2 Arabic learner who wants to use the language in real-life contexts. The structures, the phrase constructions and the lexis that are presented are part of common linguistic expressions, which one would find useful for the common and basic needs whether in streets and public offices of Damascus, Cairo, Riyadh, or Beirut or even in L2 Arabic classrooms elsewhere in the world. The book includes a pronunciation guide, which represents an added value as it makes it accessible both for individual study and reference purposes. This last feature is emphasized in the book when we find that Prof. Ali Ismail Alqaffaass decided to present linguistic content using a context-based approach, examples of which include situations involving introductions, greetings, making friends, transports, tourism, going to the restaurant, going to the market, among many others. I believe that the features outlined above make this edition of the Arabic Conversation Guide a resource book that all L2 Arabic learners will find useful. 

Get the book from here

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